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ServicesWine Provenance

With fine wine, provenance is extremely important. Particularly because fine wines tend to be stored for many years and often decades before they reach anticipated maturity and their optimum drinking window. Each wine history, its source and the reputation of where it has been stored all have a significant impact on how enjoyable the final product will be, as well as how valuable the product is.
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Source, Life Cycle and Storage

Ensuring each wine origin, its source and its life cycle is preserved and adhered to is imperative with wine provenance. Optimum conditions need to be met for each individual wine to flourish under its natural life cycle, so if the storage facilities are not met initially, the value of the wine could be in danger. If wines have been stored poorly, tell-tale signs will appear, such as seepage, poor colour and shrunken cords.

Reliability of service and supply are also crucial when it comes to wine provenance. We are fortunate at Armit wines to be the exclusive importer to the UK for a variety of fine wines and this ensures that we are able to offer these wines for sale with impeccable provenance and knowledge that the wines have been shipped and stored under state-of-the-art temperature and movement controlled conditions.

Wines that we purchase from other sources, namely trusted suppliers and other merchants – not directly from the wine estate which produced them – are always carefully and rigorously checked, even though we know that these trusted suppliers share our philosophy.

We are delighted to be able to offer our clients a choice of two world class storage facilities for wine provenance: Colerne Reserve (part of Octavian Group) or Vinothèque (part of London City Bond). Find out more about our wine storage options today.
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Discover our wines

The team is always on the look for the most exciting wines to offer. From delicious New World gems to classic Bordeaux, we always make sure that there is something available for everyone.

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